
Monday, October 24, 2011


Well hello family and friends.  The Carr's have been in the Shop for major repairs.  We have obviously been gone from the blogging world for a while.  Mainly because, well what we have been going through--I'm not actually sure if anyone would believe the amount of things we have been through in the last couple of months and in the last year.  What a wild ride.  Honestly lately if feels like our engine is going out.  We badly need repairs done, but I guess sometimes it feels like we are that "Car" that is so challenging to repair and the parts have to come in from so many different places and you have to take this and that out to get to the repair spot that its just going to be a long haul. 

Our family needs prayers like crazy.  We have a lot going on and we are running so so low on gas and oil.  As we are willing to share information with others I will post a blog here and there to explain our life.  But for now, as we are being taken apart and repaired, we ask for your prayers and we thank you for you love.

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